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students with backpacks
image of witter field construction

Status/Work in Progress

  • D-ring and track paving operations completed!
  • Field turf crew prepping for start of drain mat and turf material installation
  • LAX net sleeve posts installation work continues
  • Bleacher handrail work continues (ADA req't)


  • The track resurfacing work starting ~ 1/11/24 will need dry weather for the material to adhere to the asphalt.  If inclement weather occurs during the track resurfacing process it will delay the opening date.
  • Out of an abundance of caution, both PHS track and LAX programs should plan on using alternate venues through the end of their seasons. As soon as Witter Field receives a certificate of occupancy/final from the DSA (Division of State Architecture) Inspector of Record, the Witter complex will open and the track and LAX programs can return. The DSA
    Inspector has stated the synthetic turf field can't be used until the project is 100% complete, there are no exceptions.
  • Graduation on Witter will occur as it typically does in June

Completion Date Update

The completion date remains Monday 2/5/24.  The completion date is weather dependent.  The public will be informed immediately if/when the completion date is delayed.

Parking Updates

Palm, Park View, upper Winsor - Parking restrictions will be lifted starting Friday, 12/15, at the end of the work day.  All no parking signs will be removed.  The contractor will inform when parking restrictions will be needed again on a weekly basis.

El Cerrito - Parking restrictions remain lifted until further notice.

As a reminder, parking restrictions have been needed to assure emergency vehicle egress during construction hours. This is per the City of Piedmont Fire Department request.

Winsor Driveway Gate Closure
The pedestrian access gate on the Winsor Avenue driveway, which many residents use to access the Piedmont Park off-leash dog area, will be closed for your safety during working hours Monday-Friday from 7:30am to 4pm.  The gate will be locked and chained during those periods.  Please respect this closure since construction activity on the driveway could pose a safety hazard to pedestrians and dogs.

We will keep the gate open for pedestrian access to the off-leash dog area outside of working hours and on weekends.  Please email Pete Palmer if the gate is chained outside of designated working hours.

Drainage Calculations
A 54 page City approved encroachment permit and Verde storm water report was issued on 8/25/23. 

Per the City’s request, PUSD has reduced the peak flow rate for the Witter Field area by approximately 20%, largely by detaining the water from storm events in the subsurface piping and rock drainage profile.

The District remains committed to providing regular updates to the community regarding the Witter Field renovation.  We understand that construction is inconvenient, and disruptive and appreciate your continued patience, understanding, and cooperation as we complete this important project.

Click here to see the full slideshow of the Witter Field Renovation project.

Click here to see Pete Palmer's full project update.