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The Piedmont Unified School District reported local reading assessment data collected this fall to gauge the progress students made at all grade levels and where intervention and support may be needed.

District reading benchmark assessments assess students’ progress toward end-of-year learning targets, inform teachers’ instruction, and provide valuable data for teachers and specialists to design intervention and extension lessons for students. 

A summary of results is available by grade (View slidedeck).

When compared to 2021, PUSD students in grades 7-12 showed improvement in the combined percentage of students assessed as ‘advanced’ or ‘proficient,’ and in all grades but one, showed gains in the percentage of students assessed as ‘advanced.’

“With the many challenges students have faced over the past three years, to see these types of numbers and how, in many cases, they are increasing, is very encouraging,” said PUSD Interim Superintendent, Dr. Donald Evans. “That being said, our teachers and staff remain focused on ensuring every one of our students is reading at a high level and will continue working toward that goal.” 

Fall Reading Data collection is an essential part of the process for providing intervention for students not meeting grade-level benchmarks. Using a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), teams of educators at each school site are able to develop a plan for how to support students and ensure they make the appropriate progress each year. PUSD is in its second year of developing systems of support districtwide and reading is the area of focus for 2022-23.